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You must be an IMA member, accessing via myIMA to view the publications on this website.

Why Join the IMA?

Expand your Knowledge. Strengthen your skills. Stay connected.

Membership with the IMA will…

  • Connect you with world-class industry professionals and a widespread community of mathematicians from a diverse range of sectors.
  • Enhance your career by giving you access to the Initial Professional Development (IPD), CPD, graduate training schemes, and competencies frameworks developed by the IMA with global recognition. Helping you to keep your knowledge and skills up to date, keeping you at the forefront of your profession.
  • Increase your opportunities with the use of post nominal letters, demonstrating your professional standing to employers, clients and peers. Giving you the potential to earn more than your non-accredited peers; providing a route to Chartership designation and setting you apart from the crowd.
  • Keep you up to date with the current world of mathematics with an exclusive free subscription to our popular magazine, Mathematics Today (worth £104) and discounts on our world class journals, published by the Oxford University Press.
  • Give you access to specialised and professional talks as well as networking events at our UK branches.
  • Save you money with exclusive members-only discounts including up to £100 savings on our conferences.

How to Join the IMA

The Institute of Mathematics welcomes anyone who has an interest in mathematics and in our activities.

To apply for Membership of the Institute applicants must supply all information as requested on the application form, either hard-copy or via myIMA.

The Institute is required under its Royal Charter to validate applications and ensure that entry requirements are met. Administrative procedures are simplified for many applicants by the Institute recognising various schemes of postgraduate training and experience, and identifying certain standard appointments that meet the requirements for individual grades. The Institute will evaluate all applications and may seek confirmation or clarification from referees but those where standard components are not applicable may take longer to process.


To apply for IMA membership grade first visit Membership Grades to determine which grade you wish to apply for and then apply via myIMA.

If you are unable to apply via myIMA you can request a printable application form.  Visit the appropriate membership grade page Affiliate, Student, Associate Member, Member or Fellow to submit a request.